Terms Of Use

Chapter 1: General Provisions

1. Purpose

These Terms and Conditions govern the provision of services and related services through sites and applications operated by Light Vision Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Company”) (hereinafter, sites and applications are collectively referred to as “Sites, etc.”), and the Company and users The purpose is to stipulate the rights, duties and responsibilities, and other necessary matters.

2. Definitions

The definitions of terms used in these Terms and Conditions are as follows.

  1. “Site” refers to a site created and operated by the company to provide services to members.
  2. “Application” refers to a program that the company creates and operates so that it can be used on smartphones or other portable terminals regardless of operating system such as IOS or Android in order to provide services to members.
  3. “Service” means the service that members can use and all services related thereto, regardless of the terminal (including various wired and wireless devices such as PCs and portable terminals).
  4. “User” refers to members and non-members who access the Site, etc. and use the services provided by the Company in accordance with these Terms and Conditions.
  5. “Member” means a user who agrees to these Terms and Conditions and enters into a service agreement with the Company in order to use the Service, and includes individual members and corporate members.
  6. “ID” means an account determined by the member and approved and granted membership by the company for the purpose of identifying the member and using the service.
  7. “Password” means a combination of letters, numbers, and symbols determined by the member to confirm that the person wishing to use the service is the member who has been given the ID and to protect rights, interests, and confidentiality.
  8. “Post” means text, photos, videos, and various files and links in the form of information such as codes, text, voice, sound, image, and video posted on the site by members while using the service.
  9. “Content” means information or materials in online digital form such as signs, letters, shapes, colors, voices, sounds, images, videos, etc. (including complexes thereof) provided by the company to members.

3. Posting and revision of terms and conditions

  1. The company posts the contents of these terms and conditions within the service or through the connection screen so that members can easily understand them.
  2. The Company may revise these Terms and Conditions to the extent that they do not violate related laws such as the Act on the Regulation of Terms and Conditions, the Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, etc. (hereinafter referred to as the “Information and Communications Network Act”), the Framework Act on Telecommunications, and the Telecommunications Business Act. can.
  3. When the Company revises the Terms and Conditions, the date of application and the reason for revision shall be specified and announced through the initial screen of the site or via e-mail at least 7 days prior to the date of application of the revised Terms and Conditions in accordance with Paragraph 1 along with the current Terms and Conditions. However, in the case of amendments to the Terms and Conditions that are unfavorable to members, in addition to a notice 30 days prior to the date of application of the revised Terms and Conditions, a separate and clear notice will be provided through electronic means such as e-mail within the service or consent window upon logging in for a certain period of time.
  4. Members may express their refusal to change the Terms and Conditions within 30 days from the date on which the change in the Terms and Conditions was announced or notified. If a member expresses refusal, the company may terminate the contract with the member after giving prior notice to the member within a period of 15 days.
  5. If a member continues to use the service without expressing his/her intention to reject the changed terms and conditions pursuant to Paragraph 4, the company will consider the member to have agreed to the application of the changed terms and conditions.

4. Interpretation of Terms and Conditions

  1. The company may have separate operating policies in addition to these terms and conditions.
  2. Matters or interpretations not specified in these Terms and Conditions shall be subject to the operating policy, usage guide, and relevant laws and regulations.

Chapter 2: Membership registration, etc.

1. Establishment of Use Agreement

  1. The service agreement is established when the person who wishes to become a member (hereinafter referred to as the “membership applicant”) agrees to the contents of these Terms and Conditions and the Personal Information Processing Policy and the Company approves the membership application.
  2. When applying for membership, applicants must provide the information listed in these Terms and Conditions and the required collection items specified in the company's personal information processing policy.
  3. In order to confirm whether the information provided by the member matches the facts, the company may request real name verification and identity verification through a professional organization to the extent permitted by law.
  4. The approval in Paragraph 1 confirms the applicant's agreement to these Terms and Conditions, and a service agreement is established when a notice of such approval reaches the applicant.
  5. In principle, the company approves the use of the service upon the application of the applicant for membership. However, the company may not approve applications that fall under any of the following items or may terminate the service agreement after the fact.
    • If it is not your real name or someone else’s name is used.
    • If you sign up by issuing a virtual number other than your original number through a telecommunication company or other service.
    • If false information is entered or information requested by the company is not entered.
    • If a child under 14 years of age does not obtain consent from a legal representative (parent, etc.).
    • If you have previously lost your membership in accordance with these Terms and Conditions due to fraudulent use of the service. However, an exception is made in cases where the company's approval for membership re-registration is obtained.
    • If you withdraw from the company in order to avoid sanctions before the company imposes sanctions for service misuse. However, an exception is made in cases where the company's approval for membership re-registration is obtained.
    • If approval is not possible due to reasons attributable to the applicant for membership or the application is made in violation of all other stipulated matters.
  6. The company may withhold approval if there is no room for service-related facilities or if there are technical or business problems.
  7. If the company does not approve or withholds a membership application pursuant to paragraphs 5 and 6, it will, in principle, notify the applicant of this.
  8. The time of establishment of the service agreement is when the company indicates to the member that registration has been completed during the application process.

2. Change of member information

  1. Members can view and modify their personal information at any time through the site. However, the ID cannot be modified for service management purposes.
  2. If there are any changes to the information provided when applying for membership, members must make corrections directly through the site or notify the company of the changes through the customer center.
  3. The Company is not responsible for any disadvantages arising from the member's failure to notify the Company of changes in the preceding paragraph.
  4. In any of the following cases, the company may request a change in member information at the request of another member or at the company's own discretion.
    • If your ID, nickname, etc. is registered as a contact number or resident registration number, personal information is expected to be exposed or there are serious concerns about privacy infringement.
    • If the ID, nickname, etc. is anti-social, goes against public morals, or causes disgust to others.
    • If there is a risk that the ID, nickname, etc. may be mistaken for the operator of the company.
    • If there are other reasonable reasons.
  5. If the member does not respond within 7 days despite the company requesting a change in member information on the grounds that it falls under each item of Paragraph 4 of this Article, the company may restrict the use of the member's ID, nickname, etc.

3. Protection of personal information

The company strives to protect members' personal information in accordance with relevant laws such as the Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, etc. and the Personal Information Protection Act. Relevant laws and the company's personal information processing policy apply to the protection and use of personal information. However, the company's personal information processing policy does not apply to externally linked screens other than those produced and provided by the company.

4. Obligations for management of member ID and password

  1. A member's ID can only be used by the member, and it must not be used by a third party. Members must manage their passwords themselves to prevent others from using the member's ID without permission.
  2. Members and users are fully responsible for any loss or damage that may occur due to leakage, transfer, or rental of their ID or password. However, exceptions are made in cases due to reasons attributable to the company.
  3. If a member becomes aware that their ID and password have been stolen or used by a third party, they must immediately notify the company and follow the company's instructions.
  4. In the case of Paragraph 3, the Company is not responsible for any disadvantages arising from the member's failure to notify the Company of the fact or to follow the Company's instructions.

5. Notice to members

  1. When the company provides notice to members, unless otherwise specified in these Terms and Conditions, it may do so by sending an email to the email account used by the member, a notice upon logging in, or a notice (including a link) on the main screen of the site, etc.
  2. In the case of notice to all members, the Company may replace the notice in Paragraph 1 by posting the notice on the screen or bulletin board of the Company's website for more than 7 days. In this case, the screen of the site, etc. means one of the following items.
    • Online banners for sites, etc.
    • Separate pop-up screen for sites, etc.
    • Separate link at the bottom of the screen of the site, etc.
    • Any other on-screen notification methods such as sites that can be checked with common sense.

6. Obligations of the Company

  1. The Company does not engage in any acts prohibited by relevant laws or these Terms and Conditions or against good morals and morals, and does its best to provide continuous and stable services.
  2. The company must have a security system in place to protect personal information (including credit information) so that members can safely use the service, and it discloses and complies with the personal information processing policy.
  3. If the company deems that opinions or complaints raised by members in relation to the use of the service are justified, it must promptly process them. Regarding opinions or complaints raised by members, the processing process and results are communicated to members through e-mail, etc.
  4. If it is difficult to immediately process opinions or complaints raised by a member, the reason and processing schedule will be notified to the member through the website screen or other methods.
  5. In principle, the company does not leak or disclose member information learned in the process of using the service to a third party. When providing or viewing member information to a third party for purposes other than this service, the company must obtain the member's prior consent. You have to get it. However, exceptions are made in cases where there is a legitimate request from a court or other administrative agency.
  6. If the service is interrupted due to an unexpected event such as a natural disaster or a system failure, the company is not responsible for any resulting damage. However, we are obligated to do our best to recover data or provide normal service support.
  7. If the company determines that the member's registered data may have a serious impact on the smooth operation of the service, all registered data may be deleted without the member's prior consent.
  8. This article remains effective even after the service agreement is terminated or service provision is discontinued.

7. Member Obligations

  1. Members must comply with the relevant laws, the provisions of these Terms and Conditions, the usage guide, and matters announced or notified by the Company in relation to the Service, and must not engage in any other actions that interfere with the Company's business.
  2. Members must not engage in any of the following acts. If a member commits any of the following acts, use of the service may be restricted based on Article 24.
    • Registration of false information when applying for or changing membership registration.
    • Stealing other people’s information and accounts.
    • Changes to information posted by the company.
    • Transmitting or posting information (computer programs, etc.) other than that specified by the company.
    • Infringement of intellectual property rights such as copyrights and other rights of the company and other third parties.
    • Actions that damage the reputation of the company or other third parties or interfere with their business.
    • Disclosing or posting on the service obscene or violent messages, videos, voices, or other information that is against public order and morals.
    • Using the service for commercial purposes without the company’s consent
    • Collecting, storing and disclosing other members’ personal information without their consent
    • Other acts deemed inappropriate by the company, such as providing information that distorts the facts
    • Posting or e-mailing material containing software viruses or any other computer code, files, or programs designed to disrupt or destroy the normal operation of computer software, hardware, or telecommunications equipment.
    • Other illegal or unfair acts and acts for reasonable grounds determined by the company
  3. The member is responsible for any disadvantages arising from the member's false or incorrect information, and the company bears no responsibility for this.
  4. Members are responsible for compensating for damages incurred by the company or other members due to their fault.

Chapter 3: Use of Services

1. Provision of services, etc.

  1. The company may divide the service into certain ranges and specify separate availability times for each range. However, the contents will be announced in advance.
  2. In principle, the service is provided 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
  3. The Company may temporarily suspend the provision of services in the event of maintenance inspection, replacement or breakdown of information and communication equipment such as computers, communication interruption, or reasonable operational reasons. In this case, the company will notify members in advance through the service initial screen or notice board. However, if there are unavoidable reasons why the company cannot notify in advance, notification may be made after the fact.
  4. The company may conduct service inspections when necessary to provide the service, and service use may not be provided smoothly during the inspection time. The inspection time is as announced on the service provision screen and may change flexibly depending on internal circumstances.

2. Provision of information and posting of advertisements

  1. The company may provide members with various information deemed necessary while using the service through notices or e-mail. However, members may refuse to receive e-mail at any time, except for transaction-related information and responses to customer inquiries, etc. in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.
  2. If the information in Paragraph 1 is to be transmitted by phone or facsimile transmission device, the member's prior consent will be obtained before transmission. However, this excludes responses to member transaction-related information and customer inquiries.
  3. In connection with the operation of the service, the company may place advertisements on service screens, homepages, e-mails, etc. Members who receive e-mails containing advertisements may request the company to unsubscribe.

3. Copyright of posts

  1. When using the service, the company establishes and operates a policy to protect copyright holders, and members must comply with the company's copyright policy.
  2. If a member's copyright is infringed, members can protect their legitimate rights by using the customer center operated by the company.
  3. The copyright of posts (questions, answers, columns, etc.) created by members while using the service belongs to the author of the post. However, if the copyright holder cannot be confirmed due to reasons such as the withdrawal of the author of the post, the copyright of the post belongs to the company.
  4. Members must not infringe upon the intellectual property rights and other rights, including copyrights, of others. Members are fully responsible for any consequences arising from posts that infringe upon the rights of others. Using all or part of another person's copyrighted work through methods such as copying, distributing, or transmitting without the explicit consent of the copyright owner is an act of infringement of the copyright owner's rights. You must not register. Members may cite published works for reporting, criticism, education, research, etc. within a reasonable scope and in accordance with fair practices, and the source must be clearly stated. However, citations must not infringe upon the author's moral rights, and in such cases, even if the source is disclosed, it may constitute copyright infringement.
  5. If an objection is raised against a member's posting for infringement of copyright or other rights by a third party, the company may temporarily delete the posting, and the company may temporarily delete the posting through lawsuits, agreements, etc. between the person who raised the objection and the registrant of the posting. The above temporarily deleted posts may be re-registered only if an application is made to the company on this basis after the legal matter is concluded.

4. Right to use posts

  1. Any losses or other problems arising from the unauthorized use of another member's postings are entirely at the discretion of the user, and the company is not responsible for them.
  2. Members may not use posts for the purpose of infringing on other people's intellectual property rights, such as portrait rights and copyrights, and other rights. Members are solely responsible for any consequences arising from acts that infringe upon the rights of others.
  3. Members may not use posts for commercial or other personal gain without permission.
  4. If a member causes damage to the company by using a post without the company's consent, the member is obligated to compensate the company for the damage through legal procedures.
  5. Members must not use the information obtained by using the service for commercial purposes or allow a third party to use the information obtained through the use of the service by copying, transmitting, publishing, transmitting, distributing, broadcasting or other methods without prior consent of the company.
  6. If a third party wishes to use a member's posting posted or registered on the company's service, they must obtain the member's explicit consent before using it.
  7. The company does not mediate or intervene in the consent process for members' use of posts.

5. Management of posts

  1. If a member's posting contains content that violates relevant laws such as the Information and Communications Network Act and the Copyright Act, the rights holder may request the company to suspend or delete the posting in accordance with the procedures set forth in the relevant laws, and the company shall comply with the relevant laws and regulations. Action must be taken.
  2. Even if there is no request from the rights holder pursuant to the preceding paragraph, if the member's posting has grounds for acknowledging rights infringement, is judged to be false, or is in violation of other company policies and related laws, the Company may make necessary changes to the posting. Appropriate temporary measures may be taken.
  3. If a posting falls under any of the following items, the company may delete the posting without prior notice, or take measures such as restricting the use of certain services or terminating the service agreement against the poster.
    • If it contains content that violates the laws of the Republic of Korea
    • When posting or advertising illegal products or pornographic material whose sale is prohibited under relevant laws and regulations
    • If it contains false or exaggerated advertising content
    • In case of infringement on the rights, honor, credit or other legitimate interests of others
    • In case of infringement on another person's personal information or privacy
    • When posting promotions or links to other sites
    • If it violates social public order or morals
    • In case of violation of the service policy stipulated by the company
    • If it contains content related to criminal activity
    • If it contains content that causes political or economic disputes
    • If it contains malicious code or data that may cause malfunction of information and communication devices
  4. Unless the posting falls under any of the provisions of Paragraph 3, the company will not delete the posting simply because it contains content unfavorable to the member, such as a simple complaint.
  5. If any damage or other problems occur to the member or others due to the member's use of posts or other people's posts, the member assumes full responsibility for this, and the company is not responsible for this.

6. Attribution of rights

  1. Copyright and intellectual property rights for the service belong to the company.
  2. In relation to the service, the company only grants members the right to use the service in accordance with the terms and conditions set by the company, and members cannot dispose of it by transferring, selling, or providing collateral.
  3. Copyright and other intellectual property rights for works created by the Company belong to the Company.
  4. The member grants the company a worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive license to use the posts created or registered by the member for the purpose of operating, displaying, transmitting, distributing or promoting the service. The license is as follows, and the grant of license is valid while the company operates the service, and remains valid even after the member withdraws. Reproducing, modifying, adapting, displaying, transmitting, distributing, publishing and creating derivative works and edited works of member posts within the service. Reproducing, modifying, adapting, displaying, distributing, publishing and creating member posts within the related services provided by the Company. Creation of secondary works and edited works Providing and allowing members' posting contents to be used by service partners such as media and telecommunication companies. However, in this case, the company will not provide personal information other than the member's ID without the member's separate consent.
  5. If you wish to use a member's posting for commercial purposes other than the above license, you must obtain the member's consent in advance through methods such as phone, fax, or e-mail. However, if the contact information registered in the member information is incorrect or if prior consent cannot be obtained because the member did not respond to the company's contact, the company may seek consent procedures after the fact. If the company uses a member's posting for commercial purposes, the company may operate a separate compensation system.
  6. As the database creator, the Company retains the rights to its databases under copyright law. Crawling, mirroring, or other large-scale use of the company's database through software or mechanical methods is strictly prohibited. However, if it is not for profit and falls under one of the following cases, an exception is made.
    • When using for education, academic or research purposes
    • When using for current affairs reporting
    • In the case of crawling by search engine robots on portal sites

7. Contract cancellation, termination, etc.

  1. Members may apply for termination of the service agreement at any time through the customer center of the site, etc., and the company will immediately process this in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.
  2. If a member wishes to terminate the contract, the company will destroy the member's personal information immediately upon termination, except in cases where the company retains member information in accordance with relevant laws and personal information processing policies.
  3. If the following reasons arise for a member, the company may restrict the use of the service by setting a time limit and request correction. If correction is not made within a reasonable period of time despite a request for correction, or if the same violation occurs more than twice, the service agreement may be terminated.
    • In case of violation of the member's obligations stipulated in Chapter 2 Article 6 of these Terms and Conditions or grounds for use restrictions stipulated in Paragraphs 1 and 2 of Chapter 3 Article 3.
    • In case of repeatedly posting posts that fall under any of the provisions of Article 4, Paragraph 3 of these Terms and Conditions.
    • In case of violation of relevant laws and regulations, such as provision and interference with the operation of illegal programs in violation of the Copyright Act, illegal communication and hacking in violation of the Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, distribution of malicious programs, and acts exceeding access rights.
    • If an act is taken or attempted to interfere with the smooth progress of the services provided by the company.
    • In the event that the contract cannot be maintained due to any other reason specified in each item.
  4. If the service agreement is terminated pursuant to this Article, the Company will notify the member in the manner pursuant to Chapter 2 Article 4.
  5. When termination of the service agreement is completed, all member information, excluding information that must be retained by the company in accordance with relevant laws and personal information processing policies, will be deleted.
  6. Notwithstanding the preceding paragraph, if the company terminates the service agreement pursuant to paragraph 2, the company may retain the member's information for a certain period of time in order to receive and process the member's objection, and the member's information will be deleted after the expiration of the period.

8. Subscription and Refund

  1. There is no additional burden if the subscription fee increases during the subscription period.
  2. A 100% refund is possible if cancellation is made within 7 days of subscription payment and there is no usage record.

Chapter 4: Others

1. Restrictions on use, etc.

  1. If a member violates the obligations of these Terms and Conditions or interferes with the normal operation of the service (e.g. an act of abusing, etc.), the company may gradually restrict the use of the service through temporary suspension or permanent suspension without prior notice.
  2. The company prohibits members from using identity theft and payment theft in violation of the Resident Registration Act, providing and interfering with the operation of illegal programs in violation of the Copyright Act and the Computer Program Protection Act, illegal communication and hacking in violation of the Information and Communications Network Act, distribution of malicious programs, and exceeding access rights. In case of violation of relevant laws, etc., use may be immediately and permanently suspended.
  3. If a member does not log in for more than one year, the company may restrict use of member information to protect member information and ensure operational efficiency.
  4. Within the scope of the use restrictions set forth in this Article, the Company shall determine the conditions and details of the restrictions in the use restriction policy and the operating policy for each service.
  5. If the use of the service is restricted or the contract is terminated pursuant to this Article, the Company will notify in accordance with Chapter 2, Article 5.
  6. Members may file an objection regarding restrictions on use, etc. pursuant to this Article in accordance with the procedures established by the Company. In this case, if the company determines that the objection is justified, the company will immediately resume use of the service.

2. Indemnification

  1. If the company is unable to provide services due to a natural disaster or other force majeure, the company is exempt from liability for service provision.
  2. The company is not responsible for any disruption in service use due to reasons attributable to members.
  3. The Company shall not be held liable even if a member fails to obtain the expected financial profits through the use of the Service or incurs any loss due to data obtained through the Service.
  4. The company is not responsible for the reliability or accuracy of information, data, or facts posted by members in connection with the service, and the company cannot compensate for any mental damage suffered by other members while members use the service. We are not responsible. However, we will do our best to manage our services to prevent recurrence of situations similar to those described above.
  5. The company is exempt from liability in cases where transactions are made between members or between members and third parties through the service.
  6. The company does not intervene in the event of a dispute between members and is not responsible for any legal issues between members.
  7. The company is not liable for any damage that is not caused by the company's intention or negligence in connection with the use of the service.
  8. The company is not responsible for the use of services provided free of charge, unless there are special provisions in relevant laws.

3. Governing law and jurisdiction

  1. Matters not specified in these Terms and Conditions are subject to the company's operating policy, usage guide, relevant laws and commercial practices.
  2. If a legal dispute arises in relation to the use of the service, Korean law shall be the governing law.
  3. If a lawsuit is filed regarding a dispute arising from the use of the service, the court with jurisdiction over the location of the company's headquarters shall be the competent court.